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The goal of simDNAmixtures is to provide an easy to use workflow for simulating single source or mixed forensic DNA profiles. These simulations are used in research and validation related to probabilistic genotyping systems and also in studies on relationship testing.

The simDNAmixtures package supports simulation of:

  • Autosomal STR profiles (e.g. GlobalFiler™)

  • Autosomal SNP profiles (e.g. Kintelligence or FORCE)

  • YSTR profiles (e.g. Yfiler™ Plus)

Genotypes of the sample contributors may be provided as inputs. For autosomal profiles (STRs or SNPs) it is also possible to sample genotypes according to allele frequencies and a pedigree.


To install simDNAmixtures from CRAN:


Alternatively, you can install the development version of simDNAmixtures from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Example (GlobalFiler™ mixture of two siblings)

This example demonstrates how a mixed STR profile comprising two siblings can be simulated. More comprehensive examples of how to set up a simulation study can be found in the vignettes.

The first step is to define a pedigree with the two siblings and their parents using the pedtools package.


ped_fs <- nuclearPed(children = c("S1", "S2"))

Further, we load provided data including allele frequencies and data related to the GlobalFiler™ kit such as the locus names, size regression and stutter model.

# load allele frequencies
freqs <- read_allele_freqs(system.file("extdata","FBI_extended_Cauc_022024.csv",
                           package = "simDNAmixtures"))

# load kit data
gf <- gf_configuration()

We are now ready to sample a mixed STR profile. A gamma model is used with μ\mu sampled uniformly between 50 and 5000 rfu and a coefficient of variation between 5 and 35%.


sampling_parameters <- list(min_mu = 50., max_mu = 5e3,
                           min_cv = 0.05, max_cv = 0.35,
                           degradation_shape1 = 0, degradation_shape2 = 0)

mixtures <- sample_mixtures(n = 1, contributors = c("S1", "S2"), 
                            pedigree = ped_fs, freqs = freqs,
                            sampling_parameters = sampling_parameters,
                            model_settings = gf$gamma_settings,
                            sample_model = sample_gamma_model)

The simulation results are stored in the mixtures object. Note that the results_directory argument to the sample_mixtures function may be used to automatically write results to disk. Below we print the simulated mixture data stored as mixtures$samples[[1]]$mixture.

Locus Allele Height Size
D3S1358 14 216 117.33
D3S1358 15 4159 121.40
vWA 14 1512 168.84
vWA 17 180 180.95
vWA 18 2554 184.99
vWA 19 695 189.02
D16S539 9 1315 243.61
D16S539 10 1003 247.64
D16S539 12 138 255.70
D16S539 13 1990 259.73
CSF1PO 10 635 298.34
CSF1PO 11 1195 302.30
CSF1PO 12 1879 306.26
TPOX 8 847 349.70
TPOX 9 1185 353.72
TPOX 11 102 361.78
TPOX 12 1616 365.81
AMEL X 1549 98.50
AMEL Y 2616 104.50
D8S1179 10 1571 134.96
D8S1179 13 995 147.26
D8S1179 14 702 151.36
D21S11 29 267 203.65
D21S11 30 1952 207.69
D21S11 30.2 254 208.50
D21S11 31.2 1910 212.54
D18S51 12 374 281.63
D18S51 13 2473 285.67
D18S51 14 1789 289.71
D2S441 9 83 81.31
D2S441 10 3538 85.37
D2S441 11 851 89.42
D19S433 13 145 145.75
D19S433 13.2 971 146.55
D19S433 14 2355 149.74
TH01 8 2821 195.22
TH01 9 2190 199.38
FGA 21 97 255.94
FGA 22 1328 260.01
FGA 23 1614 264.08
FGA 24 73 268.15
D22S1045 11 2201 97.51
D22S1045 14 126 106.47
D22S1045 15 1513 109.46
D5S818 10 324 150.82
D5S818 11 1955 154.87
D5S818 12 995 158.92
D5S818 13 1777 162.97
D13S317 11 184 222.97
D13S317 12 4363 227.02
D7S820 11 2551 282.34
D7S820 12 660 286.32
SE33 17 1425 358.71
SE33 18 903 362.77
SE33 19 225 366.84
SE33 29.2 269 408.32
SE33 30.2 2077 412.39
D10S1248 13 1831 105.53
D10S1248 14 656 109.53
D1S1656 12 873 172.23
D1S1656 13 773 176.45
D1S1656 16 714 189.10
D1S1656 17.3 630 194.58
D12S391 17 132 228.10
D12S391 18 902 232.07
D12S391 19 124 236.04
D12S391 20 1475 240.01
D12S391 22 1053 247.96
D2S1338 17 672 304.78
D2S1338 19 1505 312.82
D2S1338 22 705 324.87
D2S1338 24 894 332.91

The genotypes of the two contributors are available as mixtures$samples[[1]]$contributor_genotypes.

Sample Name Locus Allele1 Allele2
S1 D3S1358 15 15
S1 vWA 18 19
S1 D16S539 9 13
S1 CSF1PO 11 12
S1 TPOX 8 12
S1 D8S1179 10 14
S1 D21S11 30 31.2
S1 D18S51 13 14
S1 D2S441 10 10
S1 D19S433 13.2 14
S1 TH01 8 9
S1 FGA 23 23
S1 D22S1045 11 15
S1 D5S818 11 13
S1 D13S317 12 12
S1 D7S820 11 12
S1 SE33 17 30.2
S1 D10S1248 13 14
S1 D1S1656 12 13
S1 D12S391 20 22
S1 D2S1338 19 22
Sample Name Locus Allele1 Allele2
S2 D3S1358 15 15
S2 vWA 14 18
S2 D16S539 10 13
S2 CSF1PO 10 12
S2 TPOX 9 12
S2 D8S1179 10 13
S2 D21S11 30 31.2
S2 D18S51 13 14
S2 D2S441 10 11
S2 D19S433 14 14
S2 TH01 8 9
S2 FGA 22 23
S2 D22S1045 11 15
S2 D5S818 11 12
S2 D13S317 12 12
S2 D7S820 11 11
S2 SE33 18 30.2
S2 D10S1248 13 13
S2 D1S1656 16 17.3
S2 D12S391 18 20
S2 D2S1338 17 24