Stutters and size regressions for a GlobalFiler 3500 kit
A dataset containing default parameters and settings for a GlobalFiler 3500 kit.
A list of:
- autosomal_markers
Names of autosomal markers in the GlobalFiler kit
- repeat_length_by_marker
Named numeric with STR repeat length by locus name
- size_regression
- stutters
List of 4 stutter types, to be used with allele_specific_stutter_model
- stutter_model
For convenience, a pre-defined allele_specific_stutter_model
- log_normal_settings
Settings corresponding to a log normal model with all stutter types
- log_normal_settings_fwbw
Settings corresponding to a log normal model with backward and forward stutter only
- gamma_settings
Settings corresponding to a gamma model with all stutter types
- gamma_settings_no_stutter
Settings for a gamma model without stutter