Converts SMASH (SampleName, Marker, Allele, Size, Height) data to a wide table
Converts SMASH (SampleName, Marker, Allele, Size, Height) data to a wide table
DataFrame with columns: Sample Name, Marker, Allele 1, Allele 2, ..., Size 1, Size 2, ..., Height 1, Height 2, ...
# generate example data in SMASH form
freqs <- read_allele_freqs(system.file("extdata","FBI_extended_Cauc_022024.csv",
package = "simDNAmixtures"))
gf <- gf_configuration()
sampling_parameters <- list(min_mu = 50., max_mu = 5e3,
min_cv = 0.05, max_cv = 0.35,
degradation_shape1 = 10, degradation_shape2 = 1)
mixtures <- sample_mixtures(n = 2, contributors = c("U1"), freqs = freqs,
sampling_parameters = sampling_parameters,
model_settings = gf$gamma_settings_no_stutter,
sample_model = sample_gamma_model)
# convert from SMASH to wide table
wide_table <- SMASH_to_wide_table(mixtures$smash)